Tag Archives: psychedelic cake

Hazelnut & Cranberry Gateau with Psychedelic Marble Cake

Okay, this is going to be a bit of a visual let-down. Too many birthdays made me run off without my camera! 😉 I forgot to take pictures of the first cake, and I am still waiting for a friend to mail me a picture of the second one. However, I have one picture from the ‘making of’:

Slightly scary…

The first cake was a hazelnut spongecake (needs more baking powder next time!) filled with cranberry sauce and cream – with more cream on top to turn it into a gateau! It was then hastily decorated on the way to the party with more cranberry sauce, blue icing (and I forgot the chocolate sprinkle!!). The theme of the cake was ‘the musical jellyfish’. Don’t ask…

The second cake was a typical ‘cookshelf’ cake based on a marble cake recipe. I flavoured it with orange essence, flower waters from the Indian grocers and white chocolate coffee syrup. The cocoa was replaced with blue food colouring. I put some apples on top as you can see (they later sunk into the middle of the cake) and threw some of the remaining sprinkles from World Ocean Day into the mix! I am pleased to say that everyone who had a piece of the ‘psychedelic cake’ has survived!

Any more Scorpios in need of birthday cakes?! In case anyone is running out of cake ingredients, you may want to try this alternative treat